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Ab workouts not working?

As our pelvic floor muscles weaken, so does our metabolism and often our lower back.

When the pelvic muscles are weak, it results in the pelvis to tilt incorrectly. This makes it difficult to use the correct muscles to pull the stomach area into shape.

The abdominals work in layers, therefore, you need to reach deeper layer in order to gain results. This is why the traditional ab gym workouts like crunches don’t always give the best results. Neither, hundreds of reps, leg lifts, planks or cycling movements.

The solution is lengthening the body and breathing correctly. The deeper abdominal muscles engage slowly with gentle but precise work. This way they evenually begin to engage automatically, the sagging stops and firmness is easier to maintain.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Tel: 0208878 7384 

Mobile: 07770 441599

Fill in contact form

Our clients share their experiences

Learn 5 simple exercises to shrink your waistline

You will:

  • learn to elongating while strengthening

  • Improve the tilt of your pelvis (and your life)

  • Tone your abdomen

  • Gain deeper core strength

  • Improve your digestion


  • Stomach hanging out

  • Weak back

  • Poor digestion system

  • Bloated stomach

Flat stomach & toned abdominals

Let's flatten and tone your stomach together! 

With these exercises you will focus on your breathing and learn to engage your deeper abdominals. You'll start to feel and see the change when you repeat these exercises regularly.

Here's how to begin your journey

Online course

Experience how Marja can guide you to stretch further, challenge your body, reach a deeper level of well-being and ultimately feel at ease and free.

Private sessions with Marja

Experience how Marja can guide you to stretch further, challenge your body, reach a deeper level of well-being and ultimately feel at ease and free.

Marja's Club Subscription

Holistic exercising that provides long-term solutions for all types of pains or problems. Resulting in feeling free, confident & energised. 

This is what is included

After completing this course, you will know how you can engage all layers of abdominals and thus build the firmness of your core.

  • Online course: including instructional videos and written guidelines per exercise. 

  • Recording of LIVE session taught by Marja Putkisto 

  • Over the 5 days you will receive only ONE exercise per day, a series of 5 exercises.

  • PLUS one standard exercise to be repeated

Price: £32

If you need a more bespoke experience we also offer private sessions or you can join our club.


Do I need to have previous experience of Method Putkisto?

Not at all. The classes are suitable for anyone. Sample sessions are available should you wish to get an insight into how the method works. Discover more >>

Who are the sessions suitable for?

These classes are for you if you value a deep, core workout and if you want to trust your own body, feel and breathe freely. It is also for you who enjoy having a body in its best shape! The classes are suitable for you if you have no previous experience of Method Putkisto or if you are already familiar with the method.

Can I sign into both the 6 week Face and Body Modules at the same time?

Yes you can as the face and body sessions are separate sessions across the week. Alternatively, sign into Marja's Club to receive both 6-week modules for only £75/ month.

How do I access the sessions?

The sessions take place using the Zoom application. On signing in, you will receive detailed instructions and further information regarding the platform. 

I am still unsure. Where can I find more information or ask further questions?

You are welcome to email or visit here to contact us in your preferred method. 

Start your journey here

Online course

Mini course: Focus on particular problems of the body & the face. 1 problem, 5 exercises that provide the solution. 

Personalised sessions

Private sessions: Experience how Marja can guide you to stretch further, challenge your body, reach a deeper level of well-being and ultimately feel at ease and free.

Life-sustaining solutions & results

Marja's Club: Exercising subscription that provides long-term solutions for all types of pains or problems. Resulting in feeling free, confident & energised for the rest of your life. 

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