How is the club different from the traditional way of exercising?
Marja´s Club gives us a framework for the stability for our bodies and our minds to develop.
It is not only about individual months or periods, instead, cycles and how they are interlinked to each other with each one offering a new building block to the next step.
We focus on stretching to improve the functionality of your body but also learning the language that allows you to relate to your body.
We emphasise the power of routines and encourage you to develop your observation skills, evaluation, reflection and orientation. It offers practice that develops your motor skills progressively. All this will give you independence.
How to achieve better results?
Our Club model offers a way forward and further:
Stretch often - We carry on with the "small doses often" concept and simply do not give time for our body to get into bad habits or positions.
Stretch your mind - We reach beyond the traditional way of exercising. The results are based on those invisible micro-movements and neurological connections that Marja will guide you through.
Stretch further - The combination of BODY & FACE interconnects new dimensions (brain gym).
Achieve more - All this will have a strong impact on our motor skills and agility, as the years go by. Also not to forget the improved looks, which we all welcome.
Do less - do not feel obliged to do ‘all the classes’ but work on the idea of rhythm. (You will receive the recordings after every session).
Can you afford to be tired, fatigued or exhausted?
You are the only one who can care for the well-being of your mind and body. Choices that you make will have a significant impact on your quality of life.
Being sedentary and static makes you feel heavy and rigid, affecting also your state of mind. There’s no point in becoming old before your time.
Instead give yourself daily engaging and an uplifting booster by joining us.
Achieve more with less
Marja's Club Open House event
Sunday 26th May 2024 19:00 - 19:45 BST
Learn how Method Putkisto can offer you a balanced lifestyle and a focused mindset. Our Club hosts will give you a hands-on guidance to the training; from technical instructions, to advice and tips for the best results.
The road to feeling good can be surprising and investing in yourself is rewarding. The event is free of charge.
Join the club
inc. VAT
You will be charged one month after signing up followed by a monthly payment on the date of your registration.
Payment Methods: You can make payments with us using both PayPal and bank card or credit card.
The services and benefits included in the Club are worth more than £2,500 a year, or more than £200 a month. As a Club member, you receive all of this for £75/month, saving a staggering £140/month.
How much will you save?
Next themes at Marja's Club
Starts Monday 26th February 2024
Are you new?
Book an appointment with Marja
Are you still considering Marja’s Club membership? Book an appointment for 15 minutes to talk to Marja. We ask you to prepare in advance your questions or issues you wish to discuss.
"My life is dedicated to movement, stretching and beauty. My passion is to give you the tools to make you feel at ease in your body."
"I feel this way of exercising is both efficient and very light. I am learning about my body. My body is firmer and stronger without ever getting tired."
- Jaana Rajajärvi
"Wonderful, relaxing but so efficient sessions. They picked me up after a long day at work. My body is now more flexible and my posture has improved. Nothing feels tight anymore, I feel more at ease”
- Maippi Kiiski
‘’Frequent small doses. The 25 minutes are a gift for me.. I can focus 100% on myself and it is wonderful! Every session is different, and that is why you will never get bored in Marja’s classes.’’
- Katariina
Marja's Club members share what's best
Over 95% of our Club members recommended it to their friends.
Live sessions in the morning & evening
Short regular sessions balances you better than traditional exercising. In Marja’s Club, our sessions are only 25 minutes long. Wonderful for any age and fitness level.
Rejuvenating BODY & MIND exercises will improve your flexibility, body shape and posture.
“Intelligent” exercises.
Beautifying FACE exercises with lengthen your neck, improve your blood circulation to your head and remove brain fog. They will refresh your eyes and firm your skin.
8 - 8.30 | FACE
18.20-18.50 | BODY
8 - 8.30 | FACE
18.20-18.50 | BODY
8 - 8.30 | FACE
18.20-18.50 | REFLECTION
8 - 8.30 | FACE/ BODY
Master Class every 5th week of the theme module. No morning class.
Independent training
8 - 8.30 | FACE
18.20-18.50 | BODY
Independent training
All times are shown in BST.
Marja guides you to use your body better. Learn how to independently condition your body & mind daily. You will receive the recordings to practise at any time, suitable for you.
£75/ month
You get all of this
Marja Putkisto as your coach
Live teaching 4-5 days per week, guided reflective sessions to deepen your learning
5 x Body sessions per week, 25 mins each
4 x Face sessions per week, 25 mins each
Recordings after each session
A programme designed by Marja
8 x modules per year, each varies from 2-6 weeks, themes vary from intensive modules to those which will enhance the learning.
Marja’s Masterclass, 1 per each 6 week module
Energy & Beauty ritual audios/videos implementing healthy habits into your life, 3 each per 6 weeks module.
Mini online courses, spaced between modules each targeting a specific problem and allowing you to reach a deeper understanding
For your use
Access to Club Member's lounge: here you will find useful information and other supporting material
Method Putkisto mobile app group
15% discount coupons for our well-being holidays & retreats and small equipment (look shop, Dionysos, Finland)
Ma 24.4.2023 alkaa Marja Klubin pääjaksot
Body-sessiot ovat 6 viikon harjoitusmatka venytellen solakaksi - Roikkuvat vatsat sisään ja vatsahermot rentoutumaan. Keskitymme aistijärjestelmää tasapainottavaan jumppaan. Opit aktivoimaan vatsalihaksistoa ja pidentämään vyötärölinjaa.
Face- teemajaksossa kohotat ja kaunistat kasvot kesäksi. Aika sulattaa hartiajännitykset ja kiinteyttää kaulaa.
Marja’s promise:
A better posture and improved body shape
A lifted face
Better sleep
An improved metabolism
Greater flexibility and core strength
Deeper breathing
A stronger back and abdominals
Body awareness
Me-time with Marja
Do you have questions or any particular worries? Marja has time for you. Book your free consultation with Marja. Book here >>
Let the routine provide structure and the pressure will ease
Mindful stretching will heal your mind and body
A 'little and often' routine is the best way to get results.
often the result of using your body in a wrong way
Feeling good as a way of life
Klubilaiset kertovat lisäksi
This is what you’ll achieve
Knowledge of your own body
Mental alertness, relaxation and good sleep
Energy, creativity and zest for life
and all the benefits of being in touch with your body and mind
Good posture
Muscular balance
Better body shape
Raised face
Better metabolism
Relaxed neck and shoulders and reduced tension in the muscles of the biceps.
Private time with your trainer Marja.
When you invest 25 minutes of your day for yourself under the guidance of a top coach, what do you get in return?
Session themes run logically in 3 - 8 week cycles, each highlighting a different issue gently reinforcing the body to Its improved balance.
Marja’s Club Spring Programme:
BODY SESSIONS: to stretch, strengthen core muscles and lift the waistline. Stretch yourself lean and lifted.
FACE SESSIONS: to lift the face muscles, relax the shoulders, the firm neck. An anti-aging miracle.
Enjoy the exercises live or with recordings!
Weekly focus
Daily LIVE morning and evening sessions offer you
BODY sessions - 25 mins
FACE sessions - 25 mins
MIND stretching - thought of the day 3-5 mins
MONDAYS: Establishing the week’s focus
TUESDAYS: Teaching the basic skills for achieving results.
WEDNESDAYS: Focusing on technique, how to maximize the effects of your work
THURSDAYS: Understanding the cause and effect, why does it work? Awareness, reflection, analysis
Fridays: Summary, revision, meditation, relaxation
Bonuses for you
THOUGHT OF THE DAY, short discussions at the beginning and at the end of the sessions - Stretching the mind as well as the body.
INSPIRATIONAL AUDIOS - giving you food for thought and support.
MASTERCLASSES - six classes per year. For discussion and deeper understanding.
TARGETED MINI COURSES - 5 per year, focusing on problem-solving.
SUPER DISCOUNTS - receive discounts and offers on our exclusive workshops, events & small equipment.
How it works
Klubilaisten Jäsenedut
Klubin jäsensivut
Osallistumislinkit live-tunneille ja tallenteet heti tuntien jälkeen
Harjoitteluasi tukevaa informaatiota
Oletko uusi Klubin jäsen tai kaipaat paluuta perusteisiin?
Sinulle on varattuna
Method Putkisto -harjoittelun starttikurssi
Kahvihetki Marjan kanssa
Klubiemäntä esittelee sinulle klubia tai käy läpi toiveitasi puhelussa
UUSI FAST LANE, oikotie onneen!
-15% etukuponki Marjan Exclusive hyvinvointi retriitteihin (Dionysos ja Kansainvälinen kesäkurssi) sekä
-15% etukuponki Method Putkisto pienvälineisiin, kirjoihin, kosmetiikkaan ja vaatteisiin
Ma 17.4. - pe 21.4.2023 Body-täsmäkurssi "Niskajumit rennoksi"
Opi 5 kohdennettua venyttelyharjoitetta yläselkään, niskaan ja hartiaseutuun.
Koe harjoittelua, jolla helpotat ja ennaltaehkäiset kipuja.
Venytä, vetreytä ja ennaltaehkäise jumeja.
Ma 24.4. - pe 2.6.2023 vuoden kolmas live-jakso
Aistien tasapainoon ja hoikistu venytellen
Venyttele solakaksi - Roikkuvat vatsat sisään ja vatsahermot rentoutumaan. Tällä kevät jaksolla keskitymme aistijärjestelmää tasapainottavaan jumppaan. Opit aktivoimaan vatsalihaksistoa ja pidentämään vyötärölinjaa.
Herätä ja kohota kasvot
Nämä mitättömän tuntuiset harjoitukset ovat avain kasvojen lihaksiston syvemmälle muutokselle.
Nostoja Klubin ohjelmasta juuri nyt
Muun muassa nämä kaikki kuuluvat osaksi Klubin jäsenyyttä. Voit hypätä mukaan koska vain.
Oletko uusi?
Varaa aika Marjalle
Varaa aika Sinulle maksuttomaan kahvihetkeen Marjan kanssa ja katsokaa yhdessä paras tie eteenpäin. Aikoja rajoitetusti.
Varaa kahvihetki Marjan kanssa tästä >>
Marja on tunnettu taidostaan eläytyä ihmisen eri elämäntilanteisiin. Hänen tyylinsä valmentaa on sekä käytännöllinen, että luova ja ajatuksia ruokkiva. Marjan opetuksesta näkyy rakkaus liikkeen vapauteen. Marjalle harjoittelussa on tärkeää syventää ihmisen suhdetta omaan kehoonsa. Hänen valmennustaan ohjaa kokemus, jonka vain 40 vuotta kehotyöskentelyä ‘for all walks of life’ voi tarjota. Marja on antelias, innostava, huumorintajuinen kannustaja, jonka mukana saa kokea kuinka kehollisuus auttaa kaikkia meitä elämään rohkeammin ja täysipainoisemmin.
Get to know Marja Putkisto, Finland’s well-being guru and creator of "Method Putkisto", a method to lift the body and mind. With lasting results, using your mind, get to know your body and get it to work
Method Putkisto goes deep and lifts high. It is all about thinking, visualization, imagining, breathing, stretching, strengthening, connecting, lifting!
Working with scientists, orthopedists and brain neurologists, Marja developed exercises using your mind to move your body. Clinical tests have confirmed stunning results. Read more >>
Do I need to have previous experience of Method Putkisto?
Not at all. The classes are suitable for anyone. Sample sessions are available should you wish to get an insight into how the method works. Discover more >>
Who are the sessions suitable for?
These classes are for you if you value a deep, core workout and if you want to trust your own body, feel and breathe freely. It is also for you who enjoy having a body in its best shape! The classes are suitable for you if you have no previous experience of Method Putkisto or if you are already familiar with the method.
Do I need to attend every session?
Not at all. Recordings of the sessions will be available for the duration of each theme, allowing you to catch up with any missed sessions or just practice again.
How do I access the sessions?
The sessions take place using the Zoom application. On signing in, you will receive detailed instructions and further information regarding the platform.
I am still unsure. Where can I find more information or ask further questions?
You are welcome to email or visit here to contact us in your preferred method.