June -July summer period - Best of Spring 2022
During this reflective period we can enjoy the whole of the Spring Programme 2022. Marja has hand picked the best parts of each period for you to redo.
We will be practicing how the effectiveness of how we relax forms a new foundation to reach better results than traditional training. Feel and connect is the pathway to our bodies and deeper body awareness.
Do you remember how it felt in January to practice Light programme and get our lymphatic drainage moving? And what about when in February we awakened our bodies and it’s desire to move our spine? How did it feel to have a strong back? And in April we awakened our senses and simultaneously strengthening our deeper abdominal muscles.
Reflective summer period
Monday 13.6. - Friday 22.7.2022
In total 6 weeks
Mondays 6.30pm online live lesson. We meet with hosts and other Club members. We will do the first exercise of the week together.
After Monday’s live session the link for recorded lessons becomes available to the Member-site.
2x body sessions
2x face sessions
These sessions are available for you for 7 days, you can practice in your own time.
The sessions of the final week are available until 31.7.2022
EXTRA, as a Club member these are part of your membership cost.
From a double chin to a defined jawline -minicourse
Experience a 5-day targeted course with Marja`s guidance. Improve the shape of your jawline, prevent a double chin and beautify your face.
An online programme & support material
A live session with Marja Tue 14th June
Video exercises for home practice. You will only need 10mins of practice per day!
Discover more about this Course here >>
Face Up Couture massage video package Discover more here >>
Marja`s Mindful videos x 3 With these videos You will learn to pause be in the moment and connect with your body via deep breathing skills.
Walking Audios by Francis Mitchell
AUGUST - getting ready for Autumn
You will enjoy the best of Autumn 2021 collection. Marja has chosen exercises that neutralise balance and prepare the body for the Autumn Deep Body stretching programme.
Neutralising training period
Mon 1.8.22- Sun 28.8.22
In total 4weeks
Mondays 8.30pm live hosting presents first exercise for the week for Club members.
After this session the link is open for accessing recordings :
2x body session
2x face session
Sessions are available for 7 days to train as and when it suits you.
Final weeks recordings are available till 4.9.22
EXTRA, as a Club member these are part of your membership cost.
Beautiful cheeks and lips -minicourse
Experience a 5-day targeted course with Marja`s guidance. Learn how to raise your cheek bones and soften your lips with effective face exercises.
An online programme & support material
A live session with Marja Tue 23rd August
Video exercises for home practice. You will only need 10mins of practice per day!
Marja`s orientation videos x 3. Let’s collect our thoughts and prepare for Autumn.
More information coming soon. Stay tuned.