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No more Double Chin: Face Firming exercises

Updated: Jan 30, 2024

No more Double Chin: Face Firming exercises 

I simply do not like to see a double chin or saggy skin in the mirror.  When the skin begins to sag and lose its firmness, it is time to do something! 

We all want to get rid of a double chin as quickly as possible - preferably permanently, and achieve a firm neck. The skin muscle, called platysma, covers the décolleté (front of the neck) and is attached all the way to your jaw. It has a double function: it is skin and also muscle. Therefore, its condition quickly reveals our true age. 

Not to worry, there is plenty we can do and the good news is: facial exercises can help!

The key to balanced facial muscles lies in a symmetrical bite. 

The most significant impact on our facial features lies in our jaw and the use of our grinding muscles. Stress makes us grind our teeth, even when we sleep, and in no time our expression muscles get weaker and our grinding muscles become stronger. This is when the beautiful jawline is just a distant memory. The true beauty of our face unfolds only when our neck is supported and our facial muscles work in harmony. The first step to move on is to learn to relax the jaw, elongate the neck. 

The brain is the control center for the face and the face is just a screen demonstrating what happens behind the screen. It is rather simple, if you are stressed it shows in the face. The first step is to relax! 

The brain and the spinal cord (inside the spine) transmit signals to all muscles. As our  posture deteriorates, with proper spacing between the vertebrae, our nerves are  compressed. While there is little scientific research on the effect of exercises targeting the muscles of the neck and face, it has shown in practice that correct exercises done regularly will improve, not only the looks, but our well-being. 

The question is HOW? The key to results is how to perform the exercises. 

Facial muscles can be strengthened through exercises, and it's good to start from maintaining the elasticity and youthfulness of the neck. However to get the best results we should not only target the problem area in question, but instead look at the overall balance of the body.

Let's get to the point

You look years younger by improving your posture. Your face immediately relaxes when your body is aligned.

Lets now focus on 


  • Jaw - the position of your lower jaw affects your neck and thus your entire body posture. Clenching, due to stress, shortens muscles and these tense muscles push the chin too far forward. The mylohyoid muscles under your chin lose their connection to the base of your skull, tightening and shortening. This, more than anything, affects the formation of a double chin, throat movement, and even breathing. (To be lifted and walk tall has a significant impact on your overall body. Your neck and shoulder area demonstrate your posture but will impact your pelvic area and spine.)

  • Temples - are like a reflective surface of your overall well-being. The temporal muscle is also a biting muscle, so tensions caused by bite disorders immediately affect the outer corners of your eyes and often feels like eye fatigue. 


  • Skin muscle, Platysma - here is rule number one: The platysma must be exercised in two ways

  • as a muscle 

  • as a skin 

The large skin muscle, platysma, covers your neck. It attaches under your collarbones to the décolletage area, covers your entire neck and continues over your chin. Also what makes it so special is that your skin serves as the attachment surface for the platysma muscle. It requires both activation and strengthening which requires blood circulation. 


  • Neck support - a supported neck position, along with the skin muscle, also lifts and supports your posture. We look good when our posture is good. The brain needs oxygen and blood to function. It is essential for the well-being of your face and your entire body that there is enough space between your neck vertebrae so that neck nerves are not compressed. 


  • Posture - a primary support, with no doubt the most important area is the upper neck. Poor posture can weaken the muscles of your neck and chin. This may contribute to a double chin over time, as the surrounding skin loses its elasticity when the muscles are not used.

Gave a good diet 

  • The excess fat formed on your cheeks and under your chin covers facial features and gives an impression of puffiness. It is challenging to get rid of the fat accumulated on the face, just like from the body. 

Here are some HOT TIPS for you. The key to getting rid of a double chin is regular exercise. Just 10 minutes a day is enough 

Your teeth should only be clenched when chewing. When talking there should be sufficient distance between your upper and lower teeth. If the upper and lower teeth (upper and lower jaw) are too close together when speaking, biting muscles tighten. Facial muscles should be stronger than biting muscles. Smiling with biting muscles is not uncommon.

Checking the Jaw Joint

If the muscles around your jaw are tight, your jaw protrudes forward, your head tilts backward, your shoulders rise, your chest arches and a hump starts to develop on the back of your neck.

  • Place your index fingers on your jaw joints and slowly open your jaw. 

  • Follow the movement of the jawbone: as it opens, the jaw joint moves slightly forward, and only then does the mouth open..

  • When speaking, there should be a finger-thick distance between your upper and lower teeth. 

  • Lips and cheeks should move forward when speaking – not sideways.

Otter stretch

  • Roll your shoulders back and relax them down, elongate your neck. .Lift your chest and face up, place your fingertips on your collar bones. Focus on your neck muscles that run from the lower part of your collar bones to your lower jaw (skin muscle or platysma).

  • Breathe into the upper part of your lungs. Anchor your skin muscle (platysma) muscle by pulling it slightly over your collar bones. 

  • Push your chin up and breathe in, swallow and exhale. Swallowing will make you feel the stretch in your upper throat. 

  • Turn your head and focus the stretch on the muscles surrounding your larynx and target the stretch more to the side of your neck and chin.

Surely, the jawline will improve from here!


Several factors can contribute to the formation of a double chin. 

  • a sign of weight gain or obesity

  • age

  • diet

  • genetics

  • a double chin can appear even in individuals with normal weight and slim figures. 

  • a double chin may appear due to sagging skin.  

  • the amount and distribution of the body fat

  • structure of the jawline

  • the position of the neck and head

  • skin elasticity, genes may play a role in people developing a double chin. Anyone with a family history of skin with little elasticity or double chins might be more likely to develop one themselves.

Marja Putkisto has designed this 5 day beautifying facial workout that strengthens the muscles of your neck, chin, and face. It focuses on reducing the size of a double chin, firming the neck, and improving the appearance of the jawline. 

Five-day targeted course from a double chin to a defined jawline under the guidance of Marja Putkisto. The course is based on the Finnish book 'Kasvojumpalla kauniiksi’. You'll learn to improve the shape of your jawline, prevent the development of a double chin, and enhance your beauty!

Marja Putkisto

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