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Is your face changing? Is fatigue visible around and under your eyes?

Updated: Oct 14, 2024

No one wishes to have bags under their eyes or eyes that look sunken in. Stress is a threat to your health and can also damage your eyesight.

If you spend all day looking at a computer screen or reading small text, your eyes become strained. This happens partly because they are used in only a limited way. The digital world is downright terrifying for our looks and particularly our eye muscles, or rather the chain it causes for our overall well-being. It’s a real 'eye-opener' when the story unfolds.

Using your eyes affects your thinking and emotions and your eyes guide your movements. Vision is important, but it's what we look at that affects our mood. For example, if I look down my mind focuses on the present, and the past and visualising the future becomes difficult, if not impossible. There is a way we can use eye movements to balance our whole body - and mind.

When the field of vision narrows the small muscles of the eye become tense, blocked and also often glazed and blurred. No wonder it is tiring to stay focused.

Yes - stepping away from the computer screen or TV for a moment or going for a walk is useful, but it’s not enough to restore the sparkle to the eyes. The eyes need to move and see further and wider, our brain needs this kind of stimulation. We all know how it feels to look at a beautiful landscape, a summer meadow, a happy face, or an art exhibition that delights us. We get pleasure from what we see, but even this is not enough.

So what should we do?

There is no reason to allow your eyes to become strained or looking tired. It's time to change the "eye game" of life.

The muscles of the eye need precise and targeted training, just like the muscles of the body.

Also it is important 'how we look' i.e. how we use our eyes.

As a solution, I offer the Method Putkisto Face exercise to break the bad habits and revitalise your eyes. As with all training you have to start somewhere. Marja`s Club next module is starting on 28th October and we will focus on our eyes. Read more here.

Here are a couple of simple tasters that you can try straight away. Quite simply: relax your eyes!


Marja`s first aid for tired eyes

Exercise 1 - Flirty eyes: found in the book Face Up - Face Up to Beauty

  1. Look straight ahead.

  2. Slowly shift your gaze down.

  3. Move your gaze from the lower corner of your eyes to the upper right corner. Focus your gaze.

  4. Slide your gaze back the same way.

  5. Notice that your body follows the gaze. If your head is free to move, it will automatically tilt slightly.

Exercise 2 - Take a journey with your gaze

  1. Relax your eyes and move your gaze to about 15 cm from your nose.

  2. Next, focus your gaze on an object about 3 metres away.

  3. Slide your gaze further and further away, close your eyes and return to your normal field of vision.

  4. Finally, gently tap your fingertips on your eyelids and eye circles.

  5. Repeat this up to 10 times a day.

Exercise 3 - Blinking your eyes

  1. Bend your elbows and rest them against the table. Turn your palms upwards.

  2. Lower your head into your hands so that your eyebrows are under the palms of your hands and the weight of your head is on your palms.

  3. Close your eyes, relax and breathe calmly.

  4. Stay here for about 15-30 seconds.



  1. Moisturise your eyes regularly with eye drops

  2. Ensure there is sufficient humidity in use for your indoor air

  3. Use your eyes, raise your gaze from time to time and direct it as far away as possible

  4. Cool your eyes with cold spoons

  5. Check your eyesight regularly

  6. Get enough sleep. Seek out natural light

  7. Eat plenty of blueberries and carrots, take nutrients vitamins C and E, which can provide antioxidant protection for the eye and prevent eye problems - vitamin C deficiency is suspected to be linked to the development of cataracts, amongst other things.



  • The eyes are located in cavities, the outer edges of which consist of the cheekbones, the inner edges of the upper jaw and the upper part of the frontal bone. The eyes occupy a large part of the cerebral cortex and everything in front of our eyes activates this part of the brain.

  • The eye is framed by the orbicularis oculi

  • The eyes are opened by the openers and closed by the closers, levator palpebrae superioris

  • The white of a healthy eye should be clear. If your eye whites are discolored, your eyes have crossed red blood vessels, you often have bags under your eyes, you suffer from dry eyes or you have dark vision, please take the symptoms seriously.

  • Red eyes are usually a sign of poor diet and fatigue.

  • Eye bags are linked to age as well as diet, poor sleep and smoking.

  • Yellow eyes are a sign of liver problems, so for people with jaundice, a medical check-up is always a good idea.


There is a great saying: “You use a glass mirror to see your face but you use works of art to see your soul.”

© Method Putkisto

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