Do you wake up with a stiff lower back?
Is it time to soothe and relax your tired back? Time to be free to move with no pain.
With Method Putkisto deep stretching is your way to free yourself from pain. If anything I, myself, have gone through these exercises with my own spine.
During my 30 years of teaching I have tested so many different ways of exercising and, yet, I have always returned to these simple exercises. These five core exercises have proven to be the best.
The journey to a ideally functioning back is understandably a long one, but these exercises will get you started. They should also reduce your back conditioning regime for good.
So what happens on the course?
We simply focus on lengthening the deep hip-pelvis muscles which tend to compress the lower back and inhibit circulation.
What is the most common cause of pain?
Pressure creates stress. When sitting, with no notice over time, the hip-pelvic muscles start to shorten and the load on the lower back increases.
Sometimes the stiffness and pain in the lower back are so deep that a person can't even feel the core of the problem. It is called “locked pain” well buried under our body's defense mechanisms. Every now and then, it reminds us of its existence.
During our busy lives the nagging problem is often put out of our mind. Aches and pains slow down movement and stiffness ages young and old alike. When movement feels unstable or stiff, the reasons are almost always found deep in the hips and deeper back muscles. At this level the muscles deteriorate and our balance weakens but it is less known how our breathing becomes ineffective.
Your back should be taken care of regularly. When your back works correctly, you feel lighter, your body shape improves, fatigue disappears and any movement becomes easier.
Before focusing on strength, the load on your back joints should be alleviated and unnecessary stress removed. When the load on the joints is lightened, the muscles start working properly, breathing becomes easier and the metabolism revs up and you relax. This is the beauty of it!
Did you know that you can get stronger when performing the stretches properly, and more flexible when performing the strength exercises well?
Few people understand that you can strengthen your core whilst stretching. It is really valuable to learn to work with thought, slowing down, repeating and varying the same thing. It's surprising how enjoyable exercise can be.
Feel it - you feel and identify the muscles of your back and move to a relaxing and meditative exercise that stretches your thoughts.
Connect - you learn how each exercise can link you to your spine and really experience how your body works as a whole from head to toe and vice versa. This is where visualisation is an unbeatable help.
Repeat - repeat the movements enough, many times until the muscle memory automatically starts working correctly for you. When the repetition happens often enough, your body doesn't even have time to get into the wrong position.
More specifically - when the movement hits the right places and the vertebrae are balanced in relation to each other, the training is effective.
So how do I measure the results?
When the lower back is strong, the whole body becomes stronger. The best result and reward is that it's easy to move around in everyday life and it's good to be in your own body.
"I was shocked when I found out that my lower back was too weak whilst teaching exercising every day. That's why I became a Method Putkisto instructor and now dedicate my work to this method. I enjoy my work and my back is now strong.'' Anna Maria Pääkkö - owner of Method Putkisto Studio.
A strong lower back & mobile hips -mini course starts Monday 20th. Price £49. Join now >>
Fact box
Back pain is rarely sudden. It is often the result of over, or under, mobility of the lower back or how we chronically tense the hip flexors and shoulders whilst holding our breath.
We often don't feel a weak back, but the symptoms are familiar: nerves are pinched, the muscles supporting the middle body are weak and we get tired easily.
Diaphragms degenerate with age.
Disorders that cause back pain are disc degeneration and disc bulging (sciatica, hernia).
The spinal canal can also become narrowed (spinal stenosis), in which case a doctor's diagnosis is necessary.
Back pain can be short-term, local or chronic. The pain is often nerve irritation that is reflected in the lower limb. It can be accompanied by numbness and weakness.
The prevention and improvement of back pain and ailments are traditionally influenced by increasing exercise and reducing excess weight, as well as working ergonomics, which has now had to be re-evaluated due to increased remote working during the COVID period.
©Method Putkisto