Method Putkisto has taught me how to focus (tricky in the beginning!), how to mentally go inside my body and with my brain direct the way my body needs to be aligned.
This has helped me improve my posture, flexibility and agility - all reasons why I would encourage everyone to learn Method Putkisto.
Around 30 years ago, while I was still an aerobics instructor, I came across an article about a certain Marja Putkisto and her special stretching method.
I was fascinated and really wanted to explore her premise that longer, more elastic muscles would let the bones fall into their natural place, thus allowing one to move more freely and easily.
I was living in Luxembourg, far from Marja’s base in London. Stretching in those days generally took place for a couple of minutes at the end of an aerobics class, and often people would just skip it because its benefits were not well known.
I loved teaching aerobics but as time passed I felt more and more strongly that something seemed to be missing.
The movement easily became unconsciously mechanical, leading often to the acquisition of bad habits and from there to disconnection of mind and body.
So, when one day, several years later, my husband came home with a leaflet saying that his workplace was organising a weekend with Marja Putkisto, I remembered her name and jumped at the chance to finally find out what Method Putkisto was about. Naturally it was a weekend already full of commitments for me, but no matter - I cancelled everything and booked into Marja’s workshop, which was an eye opener.
We learned how to align the body by focusing the mind, deep breathing and holding stretches for quite a while, certainly for much longer than at the end of an aerobics class. All of this was of course totally new to me, but I felt fabulous - more relaxed and more physically together and this after only one weekend! As a result I was convinced that this kind of focussing, breathing and deep stretching was important to one’s sense of well-being. Besides, getting to know your own body is the only way to get real results and Method Putkisto will show you the way.
Quite a number of my aerobics clients were happy to join me on this journey of discovery. They soon noticed how well they felt and how much more agile they were. Some of them were even told quite spontaneously by their children that they were moving more freely and that their posture had improved. As a member of the Baby Boomer generation, I am only too aware how practising Method Putkisto is good for balance, flexibility, agility and well-being.
I would have loved to have gone to London to take classes with Marja. However this was not possible at the time, what with having family commitments and living in Luxembourg. So I decided that I needed to become a Method Putkisto instructor if I wanted to explore this Method further. Therefore I immediately asked about training.
Coming on top of teaching my own classes, doing Method Putkisto more frequently during the week has been a wonderful thing. Now I am able to join into Marja’s classes every week online, definitely a positive experience. I broke a couple of ribs last summer and thanks to Method Putkisto and Marja’s much appreciated help, the injury was very manageable and healed quickly. The online class becomes almost like a meditation because I am able to really sink into my own body, let Marja’s voice guide me and be very precise about what I am doing.
So here I am, many years down the line, teaching and practising Method Putkisto and being almost evangelical about it because I know that it can help everyone to be free to move - a wonderful feeling and not age related! Keep moving and breathe deeply is my motto!
Louise Curwen is qualified Method Putkisto and Method Putkisto 3D Face Clinic Instructor
Complete our contact form HERE if you are interested in becoming a MP Instructor
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